A lucid, knowledgeable, and engaging guide on to how to publish your research, and how to do it well. This book has information that nobody tells you but is critical to know when you submit to a journal.
Steven Goodman, MD, PhD
Johns Hopkins Schools of Medicine and Public Health
This highly readable guide is a veritable treasure trove of practical information and helpful tips for health researchers at all levels of experience. It will be especially useful for beginning investigators and their mentors. I have never seen anyone get into this level of practical detail.
Department of Internal Medicine, University of California, Davis
Tom Lang's new book upholds his reputation for providing practical instructions about how to write for publication. It will be useful for new and established authors alike; I will recommend this book to the faculty, fellows, and post-doctoral trainees I mentor.
Michelle Berlin, MD, MPH
Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon
This book is a well organized, comprehensive, and authoritative reference for medical scientists and laboratory researchers. The author thoroughly covered the fundamentals of reporting and presenting medical research, especially basic research.
Kenichi Hayashi, Chief Executive Officer
Alamedic Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
How to Write, Publish, and Present in the Health Sciences is, in fact, an important and practical guide for clinicians and laboratory researchers. I will recommend it to my postgraduate students and faculty colleagues.
Professor Liu Jianhua, MD, PhD, MS, DDS
Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, China
This book is a great resource for teaching researchers how to present their work.
Cynthia Mulrow, MD, MSc, Deputy Editor, Annals of Internal Medicine
This is a wonderful guide for scientific writers. Clearly written, it is also well organized. Advice and examples are crisp and current with the expanding changes in both paper and electronic publishing.
John Hoey, MD, FRCPC, FACP, Associate Editor, Open Medicine
Former Editor, Canadian Medical Association Journal
Lang’s earlier book on how to report medical statistics proved so useful that I bought a second copy to keep in my home office. His new book features the same type of pragmatic advice on the nuts and bolts of scientific writing.
David A. Grimes, MD
University of North Carolina School of Medicine
We are forming a new MS curriculum in clinical investigation, and everything in this book maps to something in our list of core competencies. I wish everyone involved in medical research would absorb the new chapter on tables and graphs.
Ralph O'Brien, PhD
Center for Clinical Investigation, Case Western Reserve University
Tom Lang goes beyond being an expert in health science publishing because his books increase the potential of everyone in the field. In each chapter of this book, he presents realistic examples in considerable detail, allowing readers to learn approaches that are truly helpful to authors and editors.
Cate Timmerman
Co-President, Palladian Partners, Inc.