Tom Lang Curriculum Vitae
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Professional Employment Experience |
Since 1999 | Principal, Tom Lang Communications and Training International. Help prepare manuscripts for publication in all fields of biomedical research and lead on-site trainings in medical writing and editing, critical appraisal of research, scientific and professional communications, statistics and research methods, tables and graphs, and document design. Extensive international experience, especially in Asia. |
1998 to 1999 | Senior Scientific Writer, Division of Clinical Care Research, New England Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts. Wrote evidence-based reports, grant applications, and scientific articles. Taught a yearlong post-graduate course in medical writing and scientific publications. |
1990 to 1998 | Manager, Medical Editing Services, Department of Scientific Publications, The Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio. Wrote and edited scientific manuscripts; taught medical writing; hired, trained, and supervised 2 entry-level medical editors; supervised 2 undergraduate and 5 international post-doctorate medical writing interns. Designed and maintained the manuscript tracking system for the Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine. |
1984 to 1990 | Senior Grants Officer, Office of Sponsored Projects, California State University Chico, Chico, California. Assisted faculty in all pre-award aspects of proposal development, including project development, budgeting, and evaluation. |
1982 to 1984 | Medical Writer, Loma Linda University Medical Center, Loma Linda, California. Edited articles for publication in scientific journals; designed publications and exhibits; presented workshops on communication. |
1978 to 1982 | Independent Medical Writer. Co-authored a college text on personal health; wrote grants and project evaluation reports. |
1977 to 1978 | Assistant to the Dean, Graduate School, California State University Chico, Chico, California. Wrote evaluation reports and developed proposals. |
1976 to 1977 | Normal In-patient Volunteer for Medical Research, National Institutes of Health, and Graphic Arts Intern, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland |
1975 to 1976 | Technical Writer/Editor, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Livermore, California. Edited scientific articles for publication in professional journals. |
Education |
1988 | Master's Degree in Communication Management, Annenberg School for Communications, University of Southern California. Emphasis on written, scientific, and organizational communication. |
1973 | Bachelor's Degree in Social Science, breadth concentration, California State University, Chico. Graduated magna cum laude, fourth in a class of 650. Minor in African Studies. Postgraduate courses in anthropology, psychology, sociology, and elementary education. |
Publications: Articles | |
Lang T. Choosing and Communicating with Journals. J Pub Health Emerg. 2018. In press. Lang T. Writing a better research article. J Pub Health Emerg. 2017. doi: 10.21037/jphe.2017.11.06 Lang T. Improving statistical reporting in medical research journals. Medical Writing: The Backbone of Clinical Development. International Clinical Trials. Special Edition 2017 February:59-62. Lang T. How to shorten a text by up to 30% and improve clarity without losing information. Medical Writing. 2017;26(1):21-5. Lang T. Odd cases and risky cohorts: measures of risk and association in observational studies. Medical Writing. 2017;26(3):12-16. Lang T, Altman D. Statistical analyses and methods in the published literature: The SAMPL Guidelines. Medical Writing. 2016;25(3):31-6. Reprinted. Lang T. The illusion of certainty and the certainty of illusion: a case study of misunderstandings in scientific articles. Medical Writing. 2016;25(3):12-6. Reprinted. Lang T. Never P alone: the value of estimates and confidence intervals. Medical Writing. 2016;25(3):17-21 Lang T. Six articles on basic statistical concepts translated into Japanese and posted on, a large website with resources designed to help Japanese authors prepare scientific articles for publication in peer-reviewed journals. Invited articles ♦ Lang T. Medical writing up close and professional: establishing our identity. AMWA J. 2015;30(1):10-17. Lang T, Altman D. Statistical analyses and methods in the published literature: The SAMPL Guidelines. Int J Nurs Stud. 2015 Jan;52(1):5-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2014.09.006. Epub 2014 Sep 28. Reprinted. Lang T. The illusion of certainty and the certainty of illusion: a case study of misunderstandings in scientific articles. AMWA J. 2013;28(3):105-9. ♦ Lang T, Talerico C, Siontis GCM. Documenting clinical and laboratory images in publications: The CLIP Principles. CHEST. 2012;141(6):1626-32. Lang TA. The illusion of certainty and the certainty of illusion: a caution when reading scientific articles. J Occup Environ Med [Iran]. 2011;2(2):118-23. Invited article. Lang TA, Lundberg G. Why not write it clearly? medpageTODAY. May 16, 2011. Invited article. Lang TA. Doing certification right: avoiding the one-score, one-test, one-time, one-size-fits-all examination trap. AMWA J. 2012;26(3):101-5. Harvey B, Lang TA. Hypothesis testing, study power, and sample size. CHEST. 2010;137: DOI:10.1378︎chest.10- 0067. Invited article. Lang TA. A checklist for Chinese authors publishing clinical research in scientific journals. Di-San Junyi Daxue Xuebao [Acta Academiae Medicinae Militaris Tertiae] (The Journal of The Third Military Medical University). 2010;32(19):2039-44. Invited article. Lang TA. CONSORTing with a QUOROM of MOOSES: The standards movement in scientific reporting. Neurourol Urodyn. 2010;29(1):28-9. Invited article. Lang TA. Just who are we and what are we doing, anyway? Needed research in medical writing. AMWA J. Lang TA. When a picture needs 1,000 words. CHEST. 2009;135:1688-91. Invited article. Liberati A, Altman DG, Tetzlaff J, et al. [Lang T, contributor]. The PRISMA statement for reporting Lang TA. What do you think constitutes authorship? AMWA J. 2008;23(2):65-7. Lang TA. The need for accurate statistical reporting: invited commentary. Adv Physiol Ed. 2007 Dec;31(4):299; Lang TA. Documenting research in scientific articles: guidelines for authors. 3. Reporting multivariate Lang TA. Documenting research in scientific articles: guidelines for authors. 2. Reporting hypothesis tests. Lang TA. Documenting research in scientific articles: guidelines for authors. 1. Reporting research designs Lang T. Getting Published. The DO 2006;47:28-36. [A publication of the American Osteopathic Association] Lang TA. How to write an article for publication in a western scientific journal: advice for Asian authors Lang TA. Tips for using commas. Cancer On-Line: [Japanese Lang TA. Tips for writing English sentences. Cancer On-Line: Lang TA. Tips for writing English paragraphs. Cancer On-Line: Lang TA. Sources of ambiguity in English writing. Cancer On-Line: Lang TA. Striking out with readability formulas. AMWA J. 2004;19:95-6. Invited article. Lang TA. Systematic reviews as research assignments for training physicians. Acad Med. 2004;79:1067-72. Lang TA. Twenty statistical errors even YOU can find in biomedical research articles. Croatian Med J. Lang TA, Hodge P, Olson V, Romano P, Kravitz R. Nurse-patient ratios and patient, nurse employee, and Lang TA. Guidelines for reporting statistics in biomedical research. Graefe's Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. Lang TA. Common statistical errors even YOU can find, Part 7: Common errors in conclusions. AMWA J. Lang TA. Common statistical errors even YOU can find, Part 6: errors in research designs. AMWA J. Lang TA. Common statistical errors even YOU can find, Part 5: errors in reports of diagnostic tests. AMWA J. Lang TA. Common statistical errors even YOU can find, Part 4: errors in correlation and regression analysis. Lang TA. Common statistical errors even YOU can find, Part 3: errors in data displays. AMWA J. 2004;19:9- Lang TA. Common statistical errors even YOU can find, Part 2: errors in multivariate analysis and in Lang TA. Common statistical errors even YOU can find, Part 1: errors in descriptive statistics and in Lang TA. Common statistical errors even YOU can find, Part 2. The ATA (American Translators Association) Lang TA. Common statistical errors even YOU can find, Part 1. The ATA (American Translators Association) Lang TA. Quality assurance for pharmaceutical documents. Jpn Pharmacol Ther. 2002;30:837-43. Lang TA. Editing and proofreading pharmaceutical writing. Jpn Pharmacol Ther. 2002;30:845-9. Lang TA. How to stay out of bars (why dot charts are better than bar charts). AMWA J. 2002;17(3):27-9. Lang TA. Collaborative review of editing and writing (CREW): a method for training medical writers and Lang TA. Mentor-guided analytical thinking (MAT): a method for training medical writers and editors. Altman DG, Schulz KF, Moher D, Egger M, Davidoff F, Elbourne D, Gøtzsche PC, Lang TA, for the CONSORT Altman DG, Schulz KF, Moher D, Egger M, Davidoff F, Elbourne D, Gøtzsche PC, Lang TA, for the CONSORT Moher D, Schulz KF, Altman DG. [Lang T, contributor]. The CONSORT statement: revised recommendations Moher D, Schulz KF, Altman DG, for the CONSORT Group. [Lang TA, contributor]. The CONSORT Moher D, Schulz KF, Altman DG, for the CONSORT Group. [Lang TA, contributor]. The CONSORT Lau J, Ioannidis JP, Balk E, Milch C, Chew P, Terrin N, Lang TA, Salem D, Wong JB. Evaluation of technologies Lang TA. Masking or blinding? An unscientific survey of mostly medical journal editors on the great debate. Lang TA. Medical writing: where it’s been, where it’s going. AMWA J. 2000;15:9-12. Stroup DF, Berlin JA, Morton SC, Olkin I, Williamson GD, Rennie D, Moher D, Becker BJ, Sipe TA, Thacker Lau J, Zucker D, Engels EA, Balk E, Barza M, Terrin N, Devine D, Chew P, Lang T, Liu D. Diagnosis and Lang TA. A curriculum for biomedical writing and editing. CBE Views. 1999;22(1):3-5. Lang TA, for the Long-Range Planning Committee. Summary of the final report of the long-range planning Lang TA. CONSORTing with a QUOROM of MOOSES: what it takes to report medical research. AMWA J. Lang TA. Assessing the productivity and value of a hospital-based medical editing service. AMWA J. Fackler ML, Huth EJ, Pitkin RM, Rennie D, Begg C, Greenland S, Olkin I, Stroup DF, Deen DF, Lau J, Derish P, Fackler ML, Huth EJ, Pitkin RM, Rennie D, Begg C, Greenland S, Olkin I, Stroup DF, Deen DF, Lau J, Derish P, Lang TA. Physical and processing characteristics of manuscripts submitted for author's editing. CBE Views. Lang TA. Why medical writers should learn about statistics: the n's do justify the means. AMWA J. Lang TA. Medical journals: an overview of the industry. AMWA J. 1989;4(2):26-32. Lang TA. The effects of word processing on the writing process. AMWA J. 1989;4(4):14-7. Lang TA. The technology of writing: a brief history of the alphabet. AMWA J. 1988;3(4):8-12. Lang TA. A technical writing laboratory: the puzzle exercise. Tech Writing Teach. 1988;25(2):132-7. Lang TA. Technical writing is not one of the humanities. AMWA J. 1987;2(5):3-8. Lang TA. Conveying movement in print: how to present martial arts techniques in photographs and text. J Lang TA. Katsu: traditional Japanese resuscitation techniques. Ann Emerg Med. 1984;1:40-4. |
Publications: Letters and Reviews | |
Lang T. Why scientific writers should study writing scientifically: the value of research into written Lang TA. Response to “Valuing medical writing: some missed misperceptions that matter.” AMWA J. Lang TA. Response to “Professional medical writing support and the quality of randomised controlled trial Lang TA. Response to “Readability and text cohesion of online colorectal cancer and screening information.” Lang TA. Response to “The need to question terminal digits in scientific research.” AMWA J. 2013;28(3):141-2. Lang TA. Response to “The need for certfi-CAUTION.” AMWA J. 2013;28(1):46. Lang TA. Response to “Writing for readers with a wide range of reading skills.” AMWA J. 2011;26(2):149. Lang TA. Response to “Use of the passive voice in medical journal articles.” AMWA J. 2011;26(1):46. Lang TA. Book Review. Katz MH. Study Design and Statistical Analysis: A Practical Guide for Clinicians. |
Publications: Books, Chapters, and Monographs |
Matarese V. Editing Research: The Author Editing Approach to Providing Effective Support to Writers of Lang T, Altman D. Statistical analyses and methods in the published literature: The SAMPL Guidelines. Lang T (author/editor/reviewer). Chapter 12: Numbers Units, Mathematical Expressions, and Statistics. In:
Buscher L, editor. Scientific Style and Format. The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers 8th Edition. Lang T (author/editor/reviewer). Chapter 30: Accessories to Text: Tables, Figures, and Indexes. In: Buscher L, editor. Scientific Style and Format. The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers 8th Edition. Chicago: University of Chicago press, 2014:157-91. Lang T, Talerico C, Siontis GCM. Documenting clinical and laboratory images in publications: The CLIP Lang T. Statistics in a nutshell [A short explanation and glossary for translators]. In: Seaman L editor. JAT Pharma |
Lang T. Systematic reviews. In: The Research Guide. A Primer for Residents, Other Health Care Trainees, and Practitioners. Harvey B, Lang E, Frank JR, eds. Ontario, Canada: Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, 2011. |
Lang T. Worth Remembering: Take-Home Points from the Targeted and Tailored Messages for Dealing with Depression (T2/D2) Conference. April 8, 2010, Sacramento, California. 25-page synopsis of this conference. | |
Lang T. How to Write, Publish, and Present in the Health Sciences: A Guide for Clinicians and Laboratory Researchers. Philadelphia: American College of Physicians, 2010. Japanese translation 2011.Selected by the Society of Technical Communication as one of the top 100 Technical Communications Books of 1991-2012. | |
Lang T, Secic M. How to Report Statistics in Medicine: Annotated Guidelines for Authors, Editors, and Reviewers. Philadelphia: American College of Physicians, 1997. Reprinted in English for distribution within China, 1998. Chinese translation, 2001. Second edition, 2006. Japanese translation, 2011; Russian translation, 2013. Cited in “Statistical Guidance on Reporting Results from Studies Evaluating Diagnostic Tests,” US Food and Drug Administration, 2007. | |
Lang T. Common statistical errors in scientific articles. In: European Association of Science Editors. Science Editors’ Handbook. Surrey, England: European Association of Science Editors, 2003;2-3.1, 1-4. | |
Lang T. Rinsho kenkyu ni okeru toukei houkoku no shikata [How to report statistics in clinical research]. In: Harrison B, Barron JP, Kobayashi H, Harrison E, editors. Igaku eigo komyunikeshon 2: Ronbun no kakikata – ouyouhen [Medical English Communication, volume 2. How to Write a Research Paper (Applied Skills)]. Tokyo: Asakura Shoten, 2003;281-92. | |
Lang T. Statistics for medical writers and editors. In: American Medical Writers Association. Selected Workshops in Biomedical Communication, vol 3. Bethesda, MD: American Medical Writers Association, 2001. | |
Goodkin DE, Lang T. Standardized reporting of randomized controlled multiple sclerosis clinical trials. In: Rudick R, Goodkin DE, editors. Multiple Sclerosis: Experimental and Applied Therapeutics. London: Martin Dunitz Publishers, 1999. | |
Lang T, Talerico C. Improving comprehension: theories and research findings. In: American Medical Writers Association. Selected Workshops in Biomedical Communication, vol, 2. Bethesda, MD: American Medical Writers Association, 1997. | |
Lang T. Preparing Patient Education Handouts. In: American Medical Writers Association. Selected Workshops in Biomedical Communication. Bethesda, MD: American Medical Writers Association, 1994. | |
Reed R, Lang T. Health Behaviors. St. Paul: West Publishing Co., First Edition, 1982; Second Edition, 1987. A college text on personal health; 600 pages and an instructor's manual. | |
Lang T. An Overview of Proposal Development: A Guide for the Faculty at California State University, Chico. The Graduate School, CSU Chico, 1989. | |
Other Interviews, Publications, and Presentations |
One of four panelists on a 4-part pod cast on open peer review sponsored by J&J Editorial. September, 2017 | |
Interviewed for an article on the risks and benefits of clinical trials in the Indian journal, Clinical Quest: Spotlight on Drug Development 2004;1:13-20. | |
Interviewed by the journal, Nature, for an article on statistical errors in the scientific literature. May 26, 2004. | |
Interviewed for an article in the Japanese journal, Medical Writing for the Department, Meet the Author: How to Report Statistics in Medicine. Medical Writing 2001;9:17-21. | |
Interviewed for an article about the University of Chicago’s Medical Writing and Editing Certificate Program. Chicago Magazine 2001; Aug: 68-70. | |
Interviewed for an article on statistical reporting titled: Vital Statistics, by Linda Wasmer Smith. Reaction Times 1995; Nov: 9-14. | |
Interviewed for an article titled: Can Your Patients Read What You Give Them? Patient Education Newsletter 1994;1(1):1-2,7. Atlanta: Pritchertt & Hull Associates, Inc. | |
Interviewed for an article titled: Write Within the Writers Context. Writing Concepts: The Business Communications Report 1995; 6(5):3-4. Springfield, VA: Writing Concepts, Inc. | |
Lang T, editor. Masters Theses, Papers, & Projects: Guide to Style and Format. The Graduate School, CSU Chico, 1980. | |
Lang T. The Rural Clinical Nurse Placement Project: A Report to the Legislature and The Rural Clinical Nursing Option: An Implementation Manual. Rural Clinical Nurse Placement Project, CSU Chico, 1980. | |
Lang T, editor. The Final Report of the Rural Drug Needs Assessment Project and The Executive Summary of the Final Report of the Rural Drug Needs Assessment Project. Human Services Center, CSU Chico, 1979. | |
Lang T. Experimentally induced conformity. Paper presented to the Western Psychological Association Conference for Undergraduate Research, Santa Clara, CA, May 1973. | |
Invited Presentations, International |
China | |
2017 | Editorial board meeting of Stroke and Vascular Medicine, Beijing, China. 3-hour presentation on reviewing manuscripts for publication |
2017 | Beijing Luhe Hospital, Beijing, China. 90-minute presentation on clinical research designs. |
2017 | Capitol Medical University, Beijing, China. Co-taught a 2-day course on publishing in Western scientific journals. |
2017 | Xiang Ya School of Nursing, Central South University, Changsha, China. 2-hour lecture on publishing in scientific journals. |
2016 | Editorial board meeting of Stroke and Vascular Medicine, Wuhan, China. 3-hour presentation on critical appraisal of research. |
2016 | International Summer Program, West China Medical Center/Sichuan Medical University, Chengdu, China. Two, week-long courses on intensive writing instruction; 1 of 150 international instructors chosen to participate. |
2016 | 2nd Annual Conference on Evidence-Based Medicine, China International Change and Promotive Association for Medical and Health Care, Wuhan University, Wuhan China. The PRISMA Statement for reporting systematic reviews and metaanalyses. |
2016 | Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, Guangzhou, China. Lecture on research and publication ethics. |
2016 | Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University, Shanghai, China. Lectures on research and publication ethics, statistics, and research into scientific publications. |
2014 | Peking University International Health Science Center, Beijing, China. Three workshops and presentations for medical editors in the China Medical Board’s medical writing program. |
2014 | Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou, China. Half-day workshop on scientific publication and medical writing. |
2014 | Sichuan University/West China University of Medical Science, Chengdu, China. Three, day-long workshops on scientific publication and medical writing. |
2010 | Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China. Consultation with vascular surgery group on scientific publications |
2009, 2011 | Third Military Medical University, Chongqing, China. Visiting Scholat. Lectures to undergraduate and graduate physicians, medical English teachers, and editorial board members of the University journal |
2008, 2010 | Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China. Lectures to physicians, researchers, and medical students on scientific publications |
2006 | Charlesworth China, Beijing. 4-day training to editorial staffs of more than 50 Chinese scientific journals published in English |
2006, 2009, 2010 | Peking University International Health Sciences Center. Several 3-hour lectures to physicians, researchers, and medical students |
Annually 2005-2010 | Sichuan University/West China University of Medical Science, Chengdu, China. lectures and classes directed to medical students and researchers in biological sciences |
2005, 2007 | Chinese Cochrane Center and West China Medical School, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China. Lectures on scientific publishing and medical writing. |
2004 | Central South China University, Xiang Ya Hospital, Changsha, China. Lectures on how to publish in Western scientific journals |
2005 | Fudan University Children’s Hospital, Shanghai, China. Lectures on how to publish in Western scientific journals |
2002 | Fourth Military Medical University Hospital, Xian, PR China; Fudan University, Shanghai, PR China; Peking University Medical College, Beijing, PD China. “Publishing in Western journals.” |
2002 | Fudan University, Shanghai, China. Lectures on how to publish in Western scientific journals |
2002 | Peking University Medical College, Beijing, China. Lectures on publishing in Western journals. |
1998 | China Medical University, Shenyang, China. Lectures on medical writing |
1998 | Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China. Lectures on medical writing |
1996, 1998, 2000, 2002 | Beijing Medical School (now Peking University Internal Health Science Center),
Beijing, China. Three weeks of teaching medical editors in the China Medical Board medical writing program |
Japan | |
2014, 2016, 2017 | Novartis Japan. Three intensive sessions on writing instruction with regulatory writers conducted over Skype and one conducted on-site. |
2014 | University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. Three, day-long workshops on scientific publication and medical writing. |
2013 | Japanese Association of Translators, Pharmaceutical Group. Half-day workshop on improving written communication in English. |
2012 | Adelphi Values, Tokyo, Japan. Two, day-long trainings on technical report writing, business communications, and conflict management |
2010 | Cactus Communications/Editage, Tokyo, Japan. Day-long course on preparing scientific publications |
2008 | Japanese Medical Writers [Journalists] Association, Tokyo, Japan. Reporting Statistics |
2008, 2009 | St. Lukes Hospital, Tokyo, Japan. Lectures to staff physicians on scientific publications |
2006, 2009 | Tsukuba University, Tsukuba Japan. Lecture and consulting on training science students in scientific communication and publications. |
2005, 2007 | Japanese Medical Communicators Association. Lectures on writing patient education handouts and reporting clinical trails |
2003 | Japanese Medical Communicators Association, Tokyo, Japan. Educating medical writers |
2000, 2001 | Drug Information Association, Tokyo, Japan. Presentations on statistical reporting and the training of medical writers and editors |
Annually, since 2001 | Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers (JUSE), Tokyo, Japan. Annual training course in scientific publications, medical writing, and critical appraisal of research |
Annually 2001 - 2012 | Medical Interpreters and Translators Association, Tokyo, Japan. Annual lectures on medical writing and editing, statistical reporting, and training medical writers |
Bangladesh | |
2016 | Dhaka Medical College. Dhaka, Bangladesh. 2, day-long workshops on preparing scientific publications for medical students and faculty. |
2014 | Scientific Seminar of the Association of Physicians in Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Five, half-day trainings in scientific publication and medical writing. |
2014 | Dhaka Medical College. Dhaka, Bangladesh. Day-long workshop on preparing scientific publications for medical students and faculty. |
2013 | 24th Annual Conference and Scientific Seminar of the Association of Physicians in Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Invited speaker and commentator. |
2013 | Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Dhaka, Bangladesh. Daylong workshop on publishing in medical journals. |
India | |
2015 | World Association of Medical Editors International Conference, New Delhi, India. Organized, moderated, and presented a day-long workshop on Peer Review. |
2012 | BioQuest Solutions Private Ltd., Bangalore and Kolkata, India. Two, daylong training for physicians on preparing scientific publications. |
2009 | Cactus Communications, Mumbai, India. Weeklong training of more than 40 medical and technical editors |
2004 | Seth G. S. Medical College/King Edward Memorial Hospital, Mumbai (Bombay), India. Presentations at the 50th Anniversary Conference of the Journal of Postgraduate medicine. |
Singapore | |
2011 | National University Health System, Singapore. Day-long training for medical students and physicians |
2011, 2012 | Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Singapore. Invited lectures on scientific publishing |
Thailand | |
2009, 2010 | Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Bangkok, Thailand. Day-long course for physicians on preparing scientific publications |
Africa and the Middle East | |
2017 | Kuwait Cancer Control Center, Kuwait City, Kuwait. 1-day course of preparing scientific publications; 1-day course on intensive writing instruction |
2017 | 21th Pan Arab Conference on Diabetes, Cairo, Egypt. Lectured on preparing scientific publications. |
2017 | Astellas Pharma Inc., Dubai, United Arb Emirates. 2-day course on preparing scientific communications. |
2016 | Astellas Pharma Inc., Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 4-hour course on preparing scientific communications. |
2016 | Dasman Diabetes Research Institute, Kuwait City, Kuwait. 3-hour presentation on preparing clinical research articles for publication. |
2016 | 20th Pan Arab Conference on Diabetes, Cairo, Egypt. Lectured on preparing scientific publications and patient education materials |
2015 | United Arab Emirates Ministry of Health. 2-day training on interpreting and reporting biostatistics for 50 physicians, pharmacists, and nurses. Sharjah, UAE. |
2015 | Second International Congress on Medical Writing, Ajman, United Arab Emirates. Presentations on publication ethics, statistics, and preparing patient education materials |
2013 | Medtrix Healthcare Private Ltd. Dammam, Jeddah, and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Three, day-long workshops on publishing in medical journals. |
2008 | National Center for Science and Industrial Research, Lusaka, Zambia. 2 weeks of lectures to scientists and physicians from several southern African countries on scientific and technical communication. Sponsored by AuthorAid. |
Europe | |
2010 | European Statistical Forum, Verona, Italy. Invited presentation on statistical errors in the scientific literature |
2009 | World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. Led a 2-day training course on statistical reporting to epidemiologists and public health professionals |
1996, 1997, 1998, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2008, 2011 | European Medical Writers Association, annual conferences in Berlin, Edinburgh, Madrid, Prague, Lisbon, Budapest, and Barcelona • Biostatistics for Medical Writers and Editors • Reporting Correlation and Regression Analyses • Reporting Biomedical Research: The Scientific Article • Improving Comprehension: Theories and Research Findings • Reporting Clinical Trials |
2005, 2007 | Centre for Statistics in Medicine, Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom. Day-long course on writing the statistical consulting report. |
Canada and Mexico | |
2013 | Mexican Association of Biomedical Journal Editors (Asociación Mexicana de Editores de Revistas Biomédicas or AMERBAC). Annual conference speaker, Mexico City. |
2007 | American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Calgary, Canada, “Statistical Errors Even YOU can Find” |
1994, 1995, 1997 | The Canadian Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, annual conferences in Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver • Biostatistics for Medical Writers and Editors • Reporting Biomedical Research: The Scientific Article • Reporting Clinical Trials |
Invited Presentations, Domestic |
2017 | InQuill Medical Communications, 1-hour webinar on critical appraisal of research |
2017 | InQuill Medical Communications, 1-hour webinar on statistical errors |
2016 | Editorial Freelancers Association, 1-hour webinar on numeracy |
2015 | Southcentral Foundation, Anchorage, Alaska. Two days of training on preparing scientific publications |
2014 | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Daylong training in critical appraisal of epidemiological research and common statistical and data presentation errors. |
2014 | Drug Information Association, Medical and Scientific Communications 2014 Annual Forum, Orlando, FL. 3-h Tutorial on Statistics for Medical Communications |
2014 | InQuill Medical Communications, 1-hour webinar on statistical errors. |
2013 | Annual conference of the National Science Communication Institute (nSCI). University of Washington, November 15, 2013. “Keeping the Litter out of the Literature: Improving the Quality of Scientific Publications.” |
2013 | Drug Information Association, Medical and Scientific Communications 2013 Annual Forum, Phoenix, AZ. Presentation on reporting guidelines for evidencebased medicine. |
2013 | InQuill Medical Communications, 1-hour webinar on statistical errors. |
2012, 2013 | Annual meetings, editorial board, Journal of General Internal Medicine, Tampa, FL and Denver, CO. Presentations on publishing in scientific journals. |
2012 | Drug Information Association, Medical and Scientific Communications 2014 Annual
Forum, Orlando, FL. 2012. 3-h Tutorial and panel discussion on Statistics for Medical Communications |
2010 | The International League Against Epilepsy, San Antonio, Texas. Four-hour presentation to the editorial board and reviewers of Epilepsia on reviewing articles for publication in the journal. |
2007 | Veterinary Journal Editors Group, American Veterinary Medical Association Annual Conference, Washington, DC, “Statistical Errors Even YOU can Find.” |
2007 | The Cleveland Clinic Lerner School of Medicine at Case Western Reserve University, several presentations on scientific publications and medical writing |
2006 | Association of Health Care Journalists Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, Twenty Statistical Errors Even YOU Can Find. |
2001, 2005 and 2006 | American Osteopathic Association, Council on Research, Conference presentations in Birmingham, AL, Tulsa, OK, and Las Vegas, NV. |
1999 to 2004 | American Statistical Association, annual meetings: “Communicating with Nonstatisticians, 4- and 8-hour workshops |
2001 to 2004 | American Public Health Association, annual meeting. Continuing Education course on critical appraisal of biomedical and public health research |
2002 | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta Georgia. “Critical appraisal of the biomedical literature.” Video broadcast to 3 remote sites. |
2000 | National Council of Teachers of English, Milwaukee, WI. Scientific Writing |
1996 | American Academy of Optometry, Annual Research Symposium. Writing Scientific Articles |
Since 1996 | Council of Science Editors, annual conferences • Instructor, Short Course, Statistics for Journal Editors, on-going • Instructor, first 3 Short Courses for New Manuscript Editors • Ten Common Statistical Reporting Errors; four presentations • Discussant, Is There Evidence of Quality in the Scientific Literature? • Discussant, Value Added and Productivity Measures in Medical Writing • Moderator, What Editors Need to Know about Industry-Sponsored Research • Presenter, Observations on Instructions for Authors • Presenter, How Are Nonnative English-Speaking Authors Coping with Requirements to Publish in English-Language Journals? |
Since 1986 | American Medical Writers Association. More than 200, 3-hour Core and Advanced workshops presented at national and regional conferences: • Biostatistics for Medical Writers and Editors (required) • Reporting Correlation and Regression Analyses (required) • Preparing Biomedical Research Articles (required) • Reporting Measures of Risk • Critical Appraisal of Clinical Research Articles • Reporting Clinical Trials (Advanced Curriculum) • Reporting Diagnostic Test Characteristics (Advanced Curriculum) • Improving Comprehension: Theories and Research Findings (required) • Preparing Patient Education Handouts • Preparing Tables and Graphs • Institutional Pandering: What Writers Need to Know about Grantsmanship • Mentor-guided Analytical Thinking (MAT) |
1992 | The 1992 Nutrition Conference, a continuing education course sponsored by The Cleveland Clinic Foundation; “Dr. Frankenstein, Science, and YOU" |
1990 | Midwest Pediatric Gut Club, “Developing Patient Education Handouts” |
1989, 1990 | Society for Technical Communication (Writer in the Workplace Conference, Sacramento, California) • Writing for Informavores: Applications of Information Theory to Technical Communication • Meaning, Sound, and Symbol: The Alphabet, Before and Beyond • Seven Reasons for Writing in Circles: From Message to Meaning in Written Communication |
1986 | American Society for Clinical Hypnosis, annual conference, Seattle, Washington: “Medical Writing: Strategies and Skills” |
1983 | Loma Linda University Medical Center, “Coping With Stress. A 4-hour workshop presented to the Department of Respiratory Care. Ten presentations. |
1980 | California State University, Chico |
Professional Activities |
2017 | Guest editor for a special issue of the Journal of Public Health and Emergency, on scientific publishing. Recruited and advised 14 authors to write eight articles on the topic. |
2014 | Participant, Feasibility and Pilot Studies (FAPS) Group. EQUATOR-sponsored group on reporting randomized pilot trials |
2012 | Chair, Education Committee, World Association of Medical Editors. In charge of developing an on-line medical journal editor training program targeted especially to nonnative English-speaking editors in developing countries. |
2011-2014 | Member, Style Manual Subcommittee. Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual
for Authors, Editors, and Publishers. Author/editor/reviewer of Chapter 12: Numbers,
Units, Mathematical Expressions, and statistics and Chapter 30: Accessories to Text: Tables, Figures, and Indexes |
2006 | Edited chapters on reporting statistics and on preparing tables for Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers, 7th edition. Council of Science Editors, 2006. |
2005 | Participant, QUOROM (Now PRISMA) Group on reporting systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials |
2004 | Participant, 2004 Consolidated Standards on Reporting Trials (CONSORT) Group on reporting randomized controlled trials |
2000, 2002 | LearnStat Workshop Program, American Statistical Association. |
2000 | Participant, 2000 Consolidated Standards on Reporting Trials (CONSORT) Group on reporting randomized controlled trials |
1999 | Chair, Program Committee, 2000 CBE Annual Conference |
1998 | Participant, 1998 Consolidated Standards on Reporting Trials (CONSORT) Group on reporting randomized controlled trials |
1997 | Participant, Meta-analysis Of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (MOOSE), a reporting guideline development group |
1994 to 1996 | Chair, Long-Range Planning Committee, American Medical Writers Association. Managed the development of a 5-year plan for the Association. |
1994 | Participant, Asilomar Working Group on Recommendations for Reporting Clinical Trials in the Biomedical Literature. See: Annals of Internal Medicine 1994; 121(11):894-5 and 1996;124(8):741-3. Became part of the CONSORT Group. |
1993 to 1994 | Chair, Health Education Materials Committee, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation. Evaluated the production and use of patient education materials. |
1990 | As President of the Ohio Valley Chapter of the American Medical Writers Association, established the Deer Creek Conference, an annual professional development retreat. Organized the 1992 and 1993 Conferences. |
1991 | Helped establish the Educators Section of the American Medical Writers Association. Organized the first plenary session for the Annual Conference. |
Activities as a Peer Reviewer | |
2017 |
Eighth International Congress on Peer Review and Scientific Publication |
2016 | Clinical Toxicology |
2016 | Annals of Emergency Medicine |
2016 | Learned Publishing2015 BioMed Central Medicine |
2015 | Clinical Therapeutics |
2014 | International Journal of Clinical Practice |
2013 | Seventh International Congress on Peer Review and Scientific Publication |
2011 | CHEST |
2009 | Indian Journal of Medical Science |
2008 to 2012 | Epilepsia |
2006 | The Science Editor, the journal of the Council of Science Editors |
2005 | Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition |
2005 | Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery |
Since 2002 | American Medical Writers Association Journal |
2001 | Annals of Internal Medicine |
2000 | Annals of Emergency Medicine |
1998 | AMA Manual of Style, 9th Edition (two chapters on reporting original research and reporting statistical information) |
1995 and 1996 | Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine |
1990 to 1993 | Core curriculum workshops for the Editors Section of the American Medical Writers Association |
Consulting and Training Activities |
2001 | Systematic review of the literature on the clinical implications of nurse-to-patient ratios, for the University of California, Davis, Center for Health Services Research in Primary Care. Report to the State of California. |
2001 to 2004 | Helped to structure the Core Curriculum of the American College of Medical Quality |
Since 1993 | Provided training and consulting services in medical writing to several clients: Click here to view the list |
1989 | Advised Butte County Alcohol and Drug Services in the design and preparation of a regional, interdisciplinary proposal to coordinate perinatal substance abuse treatment services. |
1989 | Evaluated the American Chemical Society's multimedia technical writing course for adoption by the NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH. |
1983 | Thirty chapters of Operative Hand Surgery, the leading reference for hand surgeons, edited for Dr. Virchel Wood, Chief, Hand Section, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Loma Linda University Medical Center, Loma Linda, CA. |
Professional Affiliations |
Since 2010 | Northwest Science Writers Association |
2004 to 2012 | Adjunct Professor of Medical Writing, University of Sciences in Philadelphia, for the master’s program in medical writing. |
Since 1998 | World Association of Medical Editors (WAME). Treasurer since 2007. |
Since 1997 | Adjunct Instructor, Medical Writing and Editing Program, Graham School of General Studies, University of Chicago |
Since 1997 | European Association of Science Editors (EASE) |
Since 1988 | Council of Science Editors (CSE). Presidential track 1999 to 2004; President 2001 to 2002. |
1994 to 1999 | International Society for Performance and Instruction (ISPI; Ohio chapter) |
Since 1979 | American Medical Writers Association (AMWA); President, Ohio Valley Chapter, 1992 to 1993; Chair, National Long-Range Planning Committee, 1994 to 1996 |
1978 to 2002 | Society for Technical Communication (STC); Senior member |
Since 1972 | American Judo and Jujitsu Federation (AJJF). As Director of Information and Public Relations (1983 to 1987), edited and published a quarterly national newsletter. |
Awards, Honors, and Personal Achievements |
2017 | Editorial board member, Journal of Public Health and Emergency. The official publication of the Society for Translational Medicine, Hong Kong |
2011 | Eric W. Martin Award for excellence in medical writing, American Medical Writers Association |
2009 to 2014 | Editorial Board Member, Acta Academiae Medicinae Militaris Tertiae [Journal of the Third Military Medical University], Chongqing, China. |
2006 | Completed a 28-hour course in Community Mediation through the Sacramento Mediation Center. |
2005 | First Excellence in Teaching Award, Professional Programs, Graham School of General Studies, University of Chicago |
2002 | Harold Swanberg Distinguished Service Award for outstanding contributions to medical communications, the American Medical Writers Association |
2002 | Excellence in Continuing Education Award, Advisory Committee on Continuing Education, American Statistical Association |
1994 | The Golden Apple Award (for excellence in teaching), American Medical Writers Association |
1993 | Fellow, American Medical Writers Association |
1992 | President's Award for Meritorious Service, American Medical Writers Association |
1986, 1995 | Basic and Advanced Core Curriculum Programs in Medical Communications, cross-disciplinary emphasis, the American Medical Writers Association |
1984 | Award of Achievement, Society for Technical Communication publications competition, Golden Gate and Pacifica chapters |
Since 2004 | Completed a 60-hour intensive course in Mandarin Chinese at the Monterey Institute of International Studies. On-going independent study of spoken Mandarin. |
Since 2005 | Independent study of Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Hindi, Swahili, Korean, Farsi, Turkish, Ojibwe (Chippewa), and Arabic (limited speaking ability at best and little or no ability to read or write in these languages) |
2000 | Completed The Seven Progression Foundation Course in The Gyrotonic Expansion System and the first level of Gyrokinesis training; qualified to teach both aspects of this therapeutic exercise system |
University Teaching Experience |
2016 | Scientific Writing for Public Health Professionals, College of Public Health, Ohio State
University, Columbus, OH. 3-day intensive, credit-bearing course in scientific writing |
2016 | Intensive Medical Writing, West China Medical Center, Sichuan Medical University, Chengdu, China. Two, week-long, half-day intensive classes on medical writing |
2015 | Preparing Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses for Journal Publication. Center for Evidence Based Medicine, School of Public Health, Brown University, Providence, RI. Daylong course taught on a grant from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality |
2010 | Medical Editor in Residence, Texas A&M University. Month-long residency in training a group of Mexican scholars to prepare their research for publication; gave open lectures on medical writing and scientific publications. |
2000 to 2002, 2006 to 2009 | Ohio State University Summer Program in Applied Statistical Methods. Credit-and non-credit bearing courses on writing statistical reports and preparing scientific articles. |
2005 to 2007 | BW701 Professional Writing in Science, University of Sciences in Philadelphia. Internet-based course on the master’s degree program in medical writing. Fall, spring, and summer semesters. |
Summer 2005 | BW708 Methods for Evaluating Written Communication, University of Sciences in Philadelphia. Internet-based course on the master’s degree program in medical writing |
2001 to 2004 | Critical Appraisal and Editing of Biomedical Research Articles, University of Chicago, Biomedical Writing Certificate Program, intensive 3-day course |
Annually since 1999 | Interpreting Medical Statistics, University of Chicago, Biomedical Writing Certificate Program, intensive 3-day course |
1999 | Tabular and Graphical Data Displays, University of Chicago, Biomedical Writing Certificate Program, intensive 3-day course. |
1998 to 1999 | Scientific Writing, postdoctoral seminar, a weekly, year-round seminar, Tufts University Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts |
1989 | Communication and Society (Information and Communication Studies 204), CSU Chico. A 3-unit senior seminar and capstone course for majors. |
1989 | Communication Research (Communication Design 202), CSU Chico. Discussion section of an upper-division lecture class. Supervised group research projects. |
1986 and 1988 | Proposal Writing (English 230), CSU, Chico. A 3-unit upper-division course in the technical writing certificate program. |
1988 and 1989 | Nature and Impact of Human Communication (Communications 140), Annenberg School of Communications, University of Southern California. A 4-unit, lower-division introductory course. Teaching Assistant for Sandra Ball-Rokeach, PhD, and Head Teaching Assistant for Everett M. Rogers, PhD. |
1984 and 1986 | Technical report writing (School of Technical Careers 416), Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. A 3-unit upper-division course taught at Fort Hood, TX, and at March Air Force Base, Riverside, CA, on three alternate weekends. |
1984 | Management Research Methods (School of Technical Careers 350), Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. A 3-unit upper-division course taught at March Air Force Base, Riverside, CA, on 12 evenings. |